Friday, July 10, 2009

The Now

Have you noticed how much the world has changed since we got mobile phones and facebook? It is insane!

I have come to take more note of how many of us (including myself) no longer fully appreciate the 'now' as much as we really should since technology has been taking over our lives!

Think back to the old days when there were no mobiles and internet still hadnt hit the big time market .. now imagine the times that visitors would come over, be it a family member, bestfriend, boyfriend etc ... really think back at those times and I dont know about you but I can assure you that I remember completely being wrapped up in the moment of having those people in company at the time .. nothing else mattered, nothing else distracted me .. it was all about the 'now'...

Take a look now at the persent time, Im sure you will notice that now when we are in the presence of company if our mobile phone rings we will instantly cut conversation and say hold on and get busy answering the call ... or we jump to reply to an sms ...that then leads into another 5.

Dont worry, I am just the same - however I have now noticed this lack of appreciation for the people we have in our lives in the moment of 'now' and moving forward I am going to make a concious effort that my phone or any other distractions that can actually wait do exactly that ....wait... whilst I have the company of loved ones and friends I am going to do my best to give them my full attention ~ afterall, they have made the effort to be with me face to face, the least I can do is repay that effort and time of theirs by focusing on them not my mobile!

Its funny, so many people find mobiles as a lifeline these days - I was one of them ... but not for any longer. I have actually started to use my mobile alot less over the past few weeks and especially when it comes to using it whilst Im with others and I have already noticed a HUGE difference! I appreciate and actually enjoy my 'now' time so much more!

I am just about to get ready for the gym .. I have a workout with Louise this morning which I am looking forward to.. then I have my First Aid training that will chew up most of my day .. Tonight I have Pers birthday, so I figure I will allow myself to indulge in a yummy slice of cake... I have been working out hard this week and have watched what I eat so indulgement it is!

Julie is down from Singapore and yesterday we went and bought HEAPS of magazines ... holidays, health, fashion, etc etc and we are going to start making our vision boards tomorrow .. Ill blog about this in my next post - It is important for us all to keep ourselves on our toes .. we need to continue push ourselves to achieve greater things in life because I can guarantee we wont get it by sitting on our butts and expecting someone else to do it for us ... Conceive, Believe, Create, Succeed ~ vision boards are a great way to get motivated.

I cannot wait! I am excited to see what will naturally fall into place on mine ... and then seeing how they differ from Julies - everyone has different goals,wants and needs in life so it is important not to compare but rather 'share' in the delights of your own ...

Brrrrrr its windy and cold but I am still going to make it to the gym ~ remember people that choice of mind is what stops us from achieving the great wonders that the universe has to offer us!

Much love x

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