Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Day 4

Day 4 and I am still feeling fabulous!

A few family/friends in Adelaide said to me over the weekend how well I was looking at how amazed they are at my positive outlook. People that is because it is a choice of mindset. Never will I play the poor me victim act - never will I allow myself to feel defeated because of this disease and the second I decide to play the 'poor me ... why me ... its so hard you don't understand what it is like card ... well then I will have only failed myself; and that is something I REFUSE to do! I have far too much self respect to allow someone else to dictate my outcome in life - whilst I may not be able to steer the exact path this disease takes me on, I know that if my day comes because of it, I know I can at least lie their on my death bed with nothing but pride for the way I carried myself through this journey.... That is my choice and I will have it no other way.

As for my challenge ...I have loaded myself up with a heap of books/mags to make sure I am forever keeping inspired by other healthy like minded individuals who made a change in their diets and exercise for the better. One common thing I keep coming across with interviews from professionals in the industry of weight loss/natural BB etc is that people are misguided into thinking you need to spend hours at the gym or that you need to starve yourself to get results - when truthfully its the complete opposite.

I love that my gym sessions are capped at 45mins (weights or cardio) and that my eating is all about eating 6 loaded meals throughout the day that never have me feeling hungry. God could you actually imagine trying to sustain yourself on a 'diet' (urgh hate that word) that makes you feel hungry? That instantly to me tells you it isn't right or healthy. We are lucky enough to have so many wonderful healthy options at our fingertips and god knows if we are really truly counting every calorie (not for me - no thanks) but if we are then we can at least be munching down on celery sticks!

I feel allot lighter and I must admit stronger. I even feel as though my posture is getting better also.

I am about to head for another session with Aaron (cant wait for the after feeling of success), then I am off to the movies tonight to see Harry Potter.

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