Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Ok I know I have been VERY slack when it comes to keeping up with my blogging - however if that is the only thing I have been slack with of late then I am VERY happy...

So much has happened since my last blog that I need to update you ....

So I started my new job and I am LOVING it - the people are great, the hours are flexible and the work is so interesting! I am involved in coordinating all of they psychometric tests and reports and it is really interesting to see how people went. Anyhow .. I have had to change gyms simply due to the fact that working in the city which is an easy 40mins from home (over an hour in peak traffic) was making life too difficult for me to make my sessions and training ended up becoming more of a drag then it did a enjoyment. So I made the change - I joined a gym down the road from work and straight away signed myself up for a trainer - Alastair.

I am still on target for my goal my eating is still as good as ever and now with my revised eating plan (which I will post) I am sure my results will just be heightened. It is always good to shock your body when it comes to eating and exercise.

Speaking of shocking your body from exercise, my body needed 5 whole days to recover from the 2 weights sessions I had with Alastair. I felt muscles aching I never knew existed and I loved every bit of it!

I feel empowered everytime I train, everytime I push myself further and further to lift heavier weights, to last longer in sets, to just continue to be fit and healthy.

Alastair is aware of my history which is great because everytime I think of 'quitting' a set he instantly will remind me of the reason I am there .... sure enough his little words of wonder work and I kick arse in my session!

I am so lucky to be surrounding myself with like minded people - it helps to have a partner like Brad who is just as committed (probably even more than me) when it comes to his health and fitness. The more I get into this 'world' so to speak the more I love to be surrounded by people who are on the same path.

I really have learnt over the past few weeks that if you are doing something you don't love ....then don't - you have a power called CHOICE (we all know I have mentioned this a fair few times) It is because I really believe in this. We have the choice to be in a job we either love or hate ...we have the choice to be in a relationship with someone we adore or despise we have a choice to have friends we like or can't stand - we have a choice in life to choose our surroundings, our influences and our journey - sure we can't always select what turn we want to take but we CAN have the choice in the mindset we wish to have.

So before I leave you with my eating plan and a few recipe ideas I ask you ... is 'YOUR' world as good as it can be ???

My Eating Plan

Upon Waking –
1 teaspoon liverplex
1 teaspoon Vitamin C powder

Meal 1
50g Quick Oats
10g Protein Powder

Meal 2
100g Chicken Breast
200g Broccoli

Meal 3
100g Chicken Breast
150g Baby Spinach

Meal 4
50g Natural Almonds

Meal 5
150g Lean Beef
100g Cous Cous

25g Old Gold Dark Chock (equiv. 1 row)

Ok so the above is a rough basis - you can substitute any of the protein portions for another form of protein – so Fish, Red Meat, Tuna ETC

If you get hungry you are able to add green leafy salad to any of your meals ...or if you don’t feel like steak & coucous for dinner than have steak and salad or steak and steamed vegies (always try for green colour vegies that are easier to break down and not so high in carbs)

If you want fruit you can eat it at breakfast – but its naturally really high in sugar so definitely not recommended after lunch.

As for the breakfast I eat my oats with skinny milk and then I have a normal protein shake (Evolve Slow Whey) - also have this shake throughout the day if I get hungry and or just before bed – I limit myself to 2 a day – (this is due to my main goal being weight loss and converting my body fat % into lean muscle)

Obviously need to make sure you have the min 8 glasses of water a day.

Get creative in the kitchen and find new ways to make chicken ... one of my favourites is to lightly do a quick grill just until the chicken is sealed then throw the pieces into shallow boiling water that has Lemon, dollop of honey, herbs and black peppercorns ... remove once cooked - they will infuse the flavour its delish!

Another great one is to again seal the chicken the add them to a low salt tomato based sauce - add a load of fresh herbs to the mix and black pepper ....YUMMO!!!

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