Friday, September 11, 2009

Auto Pilot

I woke up at 6am this morning, let me just clarify one thing....its a SATURDAY!
Seems my auto bodyclock decided to kick in and I am actually grateful it has. The sun is shining outside and it is a glorious day to not waste it in bed sleeping.

I am planning to get all my 'home duties' out of the way first thing -that way I can have the entire day to myself to study and not to mention I have decided I will make some time out today for reflection.

I think it is really important for us all to make the conscious effort to take time out ..sit down alone, somewhere quiet and peaceful and actually reflect on your life. Reflect on what you have been through and what journey you have taken to this point in time, reflect on the lessons you have learnt during those years and reflect on what you want moving forward.

So often we get so taken away in life by our auto pilot ways that we can easily forget the goals we set out to achieve or the time frames we set in which to achieve them. We can easily forget statements we made to ourselves like .. 'that's it from now on I am going to make the effort to call my mum and have a decent chat, or I am going to make the effort to catch up with a good friend for coffee on the weekend ... or I am going to make me time to do that spin class' whatever it may be ... big or small makes no difference - all that matters is that we stay true and committed to ourselves and our desires.

Whilst it is cleansing to set 'changes' down on paper or in our minds it is truly fulfilling to actually commit and and accomplish them.

This morning I have started my day off with a feel good moment by literally having a Tom Cruise Risky Business moment - it was fun ...and has definitely been a good stress release and a perfect way for me to start my Saturday with a giggle.

Laughter is good for the soul - so lets make the effort to make ourselves laugh.. we don't need to rely on anyone else to replenish our soul. I have really learnt a valuable lesson throughout my journey and that is how important it is to rely on yourself- why? We have the power and the choice (yes those famous words of mine) to not let ourselves down.


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